Impact Pitch Awards - We're Moving To Round 2!
We’ve gotten through the first phase of the contest, now we’re in the running for second phase of the exciting Business Impact Awards of the NorthWest!
Wish us luck as we work towards our moving onward and upward!
Why We’re Excited For This Competition and Chance for This Award
Our brand and home grown business are a large part of our being in the community and how we can make an impact. It’s wonderful to be able to participate in this.
We look forward to everything we can share and how much more we can grow.
As a military veteran, a veteran’s spouse, and as a black woman, Makieda Hart personifies the awesome drive and passion of the entrepreneurs who are building up strong businesses and having a positive impact in their communities.

From the competition
“IMPACT Pitch is an evening dedicated to celebrating diverse entrepreneurs and small business owners throughout the Pacific Northwest. At this live virtual event, selected finalists will pitch their idea-phase, start-up or established businesses to a panel of judges for the chance to win the cash award prizes.”
“We hope to see all supporters of our local economies join us in supporting these small-business owners at our culminating pitch competition. The final round LIVE pitch event will be held on October 7, 2021. A link to join will be sent to all who RSVP.”
To join us and watch the live event click here:
For a full explanation of the competition and what we can get in both business enrichment and building our business click here: https://businessimpactnw.org/annual-events/impact-pitch/